Giving! Giving! Giving!
Giving is good. It is high time we began to understand certain things. Hear me! Jesus didn't only command us to give to church alone, but to the poor (Orphans, Motherless, widows etc). These days, some churches have turned to motherless home collecting what should be given to the poor.
Jesus demonstrated it by feeding 500 men, he didn't collect from them.
Brethren! Some religious leaders won't preach for members to help fellow members, but for them to give to the church. This is one of the reasons our churches these day are very rich and some of the members are very poor.
I weep for this generation! If the way they are preaching to give to the church is the way they are preaching for members to help one another, churches would have been a better place of refuge.
Some of our religious leaders are wicked . Everytime is prayers that doesn't even work sometimes. Jesus didn't only prayed for them, he gave them bread.
A poor family will come to church but the religious leader won't care to tell some of the millionaires and billionaires in the church to help their fellow members..
Things are falling apart in Christendom. Remember the poor in your Church, don't allow your leader to brainwash you into believing that you can only give to the Church. Help the church, and also remember to help the poor in the church. The building is not the church, even the pastor is not , but The members.
Some members are starving to death. Why can't you take it up as a challenge to offer helping hands to those less fortunate people around you?
It is high time we rejuvenated because giving is a calling and everyone is called to be a giver not only to church but to fellow brethren.
One of the things that opens the flood gate of heaven's blessings is giving. Not the type of giving some politicians do Infront of camera. The Bible says that, don't allows your right hand to see what your left hand gave, but these days it is no longer like that.
Furthermore, you must not be a billionaire before you'll start giving. Remember the old widow who gave her last money. Jesus recognised her giving as the best because she gave all she had with full joy. Don't give anything to God grudgingly, give with all your heart.
Don't be deceived by some religious leaders who will tell you to give to the Church only. Giving is not limited to giving the Church only. Giving to the church is very good and wonderful, but also remember the poor people who are not in the church.
Paying tithes is very good and a commandment from God but also remember the poor. Any money you spent in the house of God is not a waste. The rewards must surly come.
There are reasons why people don't receive their full blessings after giving.
Some of these reasons are:
* They gave to showcase their giving. This is one of the reasons why some blessings attached to giving dies off because we give for people to know what we gave.
* We give to receive praises from men. If we give to receive praises from men definitely we'll not get any reward.
* We give expecting something in return. This is certainly not the ideal way of giving. When you give don't expect anything from man but from God. He's the only one who can reward you.
In a nutshell, giving is a command and we must use our resources to serve God.
Did you know! When you're an aggressive giver you can never lack. The Bible says that givers never lack.
Benefits of giving.
Giving paves ways for more blessings.
Giving opens closed doors.
Giving turns ugly situations around.
Giving helps one to remain in faith.
Giving gives joy and elevates one's enthusiasm.
Giving helps to build one's faith.
Is it an ideal one to give to pastors?
Yes, it is. This is true because God called them to serve him and also serve people. So, God uses us to pay them. If one is serving or working for someone, can't that place receive pay? So pastors deserves what they are getting from us.
But, as written above, they're some pastors who doesn't encourage members to give out to the poor. So pathetic, some of these pastors are very rich while their members are very poor.
Cultivating the habit of giving is a good one when it is done in a way where people around you can benefit from it.
In the Bible, Abraham paid his tithes and he was an aggressive giver who was ready to give out his only son. When God told him to give his only son Isaac, Abraham didn't argue with God because he knew that giving to God is a command and one must not regret it. God only wanted to test Abraham's faith. Abraham was at the point of killing Isaac before God restricted him and provided a lamb as replacement.
After this awesome act, God's trust on Abraham increased. God's love for Abraham also increased. That was why God had to make him father of many Nations. He told him to count the number of stars which he couldn't count them and God told him that was how his offsprings would be. This story is what earned Abraham the names: father of many Nations and Father of faith.
In the new testament Acts of Apostles chapter 5. The story of Ananians and Sapphire during the early church where they lied against Peter and Holy Spirit about money. God killed them because of it. This is for us to know that giving to the church is not a bad thing but we should be careful of fake Pastors who uses the Avenue to extort people.
Finally brethren, use your resources to serve God and not man. God is the one who gave you the money, so use it to serve him and expect rewards from him.